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मुख्यमंत्री अशोक गहलोत ने राज्य कर्मचारियों के लिए बोनस की दी मंजूरी।

राजस्थान सरकार मुख्यमंत्री अशोक गहलोत ने राज्य कर्मचारियों को दीपावली के शुभ अवसर पर बोनस देने की मंजूरी दे दी है

Grant of ad-hoc bonus to State Government employees for the
financial year 2021-22.

No. F.6(5)FD(Rules)/2009 Jaipur, Dated: \14-10 -2022…
Sub: Grant of ad-hoc bonus to State Government employees for the
financial year 2021-22.
The matter relating to grant of ad-hoc bonus for the financial year 2021-22 to
State Government employees has been considered and the Governor is pleasedto order that the State Government employees may be granted ad-hoc bonus equivalent to 30 days emoluments for the financial year 2021-22 on the following termS and conditions:

(I) Government Servants who were in service on 31-03-2022 and continuing
in service on 151 April 2022 and drawing pay in Pay Level in the Pay Matrix
L-12 or less under Rajasthan Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2017 or
Grade Pay of Rs.4800 or less drawing pay in Rajasthan Civil Services
(Revised Pay) Rules, 2008 (excluding officers of State Services) are
entitled for ad-hoc bonus.

(II) bonus drawing ad-hoc bonus Government employee must have rendered at least six months of continuous service during the year 2021-22. Ad-hoc
bonus equal to 30 days emoluments will be admissible to eligible
employees who have rendered continuous twelve month service during the year 2021-22. Pro-rata payment will be admissible for continuous
service from six months to twelve months. The eligibility period shall be
taken in terms of number of months or service rounded the nearest
number of months. Rounding to the nearest number of months will,
however, not be permissible for service of less than six months.
(III) The amount of ad-hoc bonus payable to the eligible employees for the
financial year 2021-22 will be computed on the basis of actual
emoluments as on 31 51 March 2022 and for the purpose of calculation of
ad-hoc bonus the maximum amount of emoluments will be restricted to
RS.70001- per month.
(IV) The term ’emoluments’ occurring in this order will include basic pay,
personal pay, eputation allowance and dearness allowance but will not
include other allowances such as house rent allowance, compensatory
(city) allowance etc.
(V) The amount of ad-hoc bonus payable shall be computed assuming the
month of 31 days.
(VI) The amount of ad-hoc bonus payable will be rounded off to the nearest
(VII) 75% of the ad-hoc bonus shall be paid in cash and 25% of the ad-hoc
bonus shall be credited to the General Provident Fund Account of the
respective employees. It is further clarified
(a) Except in the case of extra-ordinary leave (leave without pay), the period
of leave of other kinds will be included for the purpose of working out
eligibility period. The period of extra-ordinary leave (leave without pay) will
be excluded from eligibility period but will not count as break in service for
the purpose of ad-hoc bonus. In case a Government servant is on leave on 31-03-2022 the emoluments last drawn immediately before proceeding
on leave shall be taken into account for the purpose of eligibility and
calculation of ad-hoc bonus.
(b) The subsistence allowance given to an employee undi;lr suspension shall
not be treated as emoluments. Such an employee will become eligible for
the benefit of ad-hoc bonus if he is re-instated with benefit of full
emoluments for the period of suspension and in other cases such period
will be excluded for the purpose of eligibility as in the case of employees
on leave without pay. In case a Government servant is under suspension
on 31-03-2022 no ad-hoc bonus for the year 2021-22 shall be given for
the present. If he is reinstated later on, eligibility of the period under
suspension for the purpose of ad-hoc bonus shall be decided on the lines
indicated above.
(c) The employees who retired on superannuation or on invalidation on
medical grounds or on voluntary retirement or died on or before 31’1 March
2022 will not be eligible for ad-hoc bonus.
(d) The eligibility of the re-employed Government servants for the purpose of
ad-hoc bonus shall be determined on the basis of service rendered during
the year 2021-22 after re-employment. The basic pay in respect of such
persons shall mean basic pay fixed on re-employment and admissible on
31-03-2022 plus pension (including commuted part, if any).
(e) Employees who resigned from service on or before 31-03-2022 shall not
be eligible for ad-hoc bonus under these orders.
(f) Employees engaged on part time / casual or on a daily wage or on
contract basis will not be eligible for ad-hoc bonus.
(g) Employees appointed as probationer trainee shall not be eligible for
ad-hoc bonus.
(h) (1) Government servants who were on deputation on 31-03-2022 if have
opted for deputation allowance in terms of this department order No.
F.1(47)FD(Gr.2)/82 dated 27th June, 1989, as amended from time to
time and are eligible for ad-hoc bonus under this order, shall be paid,
the admissible amount of ad-hoc bonus by the borrowing
organization. The eligibility period shall include the continuous
service rendered under the Government as also the period spent on
deputation upto 31 s1 March 2022. Similarly, Government servants
who returned from deputation during the year 2021-22 shall be paid
ad-hoc bonus by the Government which may be calculated on the
basis of eligible and continuous service rendered under the
borrowing organization and the Government.
(2) In the case of Government servants who were on deputation to
Public Sector Undertakings, Cooperative Societies, Autonomous
Bodies etc; and who have opted for deputation allowance in terms of
this department order No. F.1 (47)FD(Gr.2)/82 dated 27th June, 1989,
as amended from time to time and are eligible for ad-hoc bonus
under this order, out of the amount of bonus paid under the Payment
of Bonus Act, 1965 by the aforesaid organization the amount equal to
the amount of ad-hoc bonus admissible under this order shall be
retained by the Government servants and the residual amount shall
be deposited in the Government account

(3) Government servants on deputation who have opted for bonus and /
or ex-gratia payable to the employees of the borrowing organization
in terms of this department order referred to above will be entitled to
ad-hoc bonus equal to an amount by which, the bonus and / or
ex-gratia admissible as per order of the borrowing organization falls
short of the total of (a) the deputation allowance which would have
been admissible and (b) the ad-hoc bonus admissible under this
(4) In the case of Government servants belonging to the Cooperative
Department and on deputation to Cooperative Institutions registered
under the Rajasthan Cooperative Societies Act, 1965 whose terms of
deputation are governed by the Cooperative Department Order No.
F. 18 (75) Coop. /76 dated 13.07.1976 as amended from time to
time, ad-hoc bonus, equal to an amount by which the bonus/ex-gratia
paid/payable as per terms of deputation falis short of the total of (a)
1.5% of basic pay in Rajasthan Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules,
2017 or 2.5% of Basic Pay in Rajasthan Civil Services (Revised Pay)
Ruies 2008 SUbject to RS.600/- per month drawn during the year
2021-22 and (b) the amount of ad-hoc bonus admissible under this
order shall be payable by such borrowing Cooperative Institution.
(i) In cases where it is in the notice of Head of Office that the Government
servant eligible for ad-hoc bonus on 31-03-2022 will definitely become
ineligible for grant of ad-hoc bonus due to retrospective grant of pay in
Pay Level in the Pay Matrix L-13 in Rajasthan Civil Services (Revised
Pay) Rules, 2017 or Grade Pay of Rs. 5400/- in Rajasthan Civil Services
(Revised Pay) Rules, 2008 and above or promotion in State Services, only
pro-rata ad-hoc bonus be permitted provided that the eligibility period is
six months or more.
U) The payment of ad-hoc bonus, except to those Government servants who
were on deputation on 31-03-2022, under these orders shall be made by
the office in which an employee is posted on the date of issue of this order
and it will be chargeable to the Budget Head to which the pay and
aliowances of the employees are charged. The payment of ad-hoc bonus
to those Government servants who were sent on deputation after 31-03-2022, but before issuing of this order, shall be made by the office where the employee was posted as on 31-03-2022.
(k) This order shall also be applicable to the employees of the Zila Parishads
&Panchayat Samities and the Work-Charged employees who are drawing
pay in the pay scales prescribed for them.
(I) In the case of those PSUs Boards Corporations to which the payment of bonus under Bonus Act, 1965 is not applicable but who have been paying ad-hoc bonus ex-gratia in the past as per orders issued by the State Government, ad-hoc bonus / ex-gratia may be paid at rates not exceeding the rate at which ad-hoc bonus is payable under the orders
issued by the State Government for payment of non-productivity linked ad-
hoc bonus to its employee. In such case ad-hoc bonus / ex-gratia shall be
payabie strictly in accordance with the principle on which ad-hoc bonus /
ex-gratia is paid by the State Government. 75% of ad-hoc bonus / ex-gratia shall be paid in cash and 25% of the ad-hoc bonus / ex-
gratia shall be credited in the GPF-SAB as per provisions of Rajasthan
Government Servants General Provident Fund Rules, 2021. State Enterprises Department i.e BPE will issue necessary orders on the lines

of orders as applicable to State Government employees and deduction
from ad-hoc bonus / ex-gratia shall be credited in the GPF as per
provisions of Rajasthan Government Servants General Provident Fund
Rules, 2021. State Enterprises Department will ensure that ad-hoc bonus /
ex-gratia will be granted only for the employees of PSUs / Boards /
Corporations which are financially in a position to pay the ad-hoc bonus /
ex-gratia. this purpose no grant will be issued by the State Government. Any deviation / exception to the above would be treated as
violation of provisions of RAPSAR Act, 1999.
(m) The employees who have retired from service after 1-4-2022 are eligible
for the benefit of ad-hoc bonus for financiai year 2021-22. For these
employees ad-hoc bonus shall be paid in cash.
(n) The employees who have retired from service after 1-4-2022 and expired
there after, are eligible for the benefit of ad-hoc bonus for financial year
2021-22. As these retired employees are expired, therefore, payment of
ad-hoc bonus wili be made in cash to the legal heir as per procedure laid
down in rules.
By order of the Governor,
(RO~a) Secretary, Finance (Budget)

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